Michael's research interest include but are not limited to: Web of Data (linked data and RDFa), data discovery, large-scale data handling, vocabularies, read/write Web of Data, (Semantic) Web architecture, multimedia metadata, interlinking multimedia, media production and delivery, mapping of relational data to RDF, social vocabularies and semantics, semantic microblogging, trust mechanisms, sentiment analysis.
As a postdoctoral researcher at DERI, the Digital Enterprise Research Institute at the National University of Ireland, Galway, I'm the co-ordinator of the Linked Data Research Centre (LiDRC). In the DI2 unit, I'm leading two EC projects: (i) in the FP7 EC project iMP we are working on multimedia semantics in the digital cinema workflow (since early 2009), and (ii) in the FP7 EC project Romulus we apply linked data in the software engineering domain (since end of 2008).
Further, I'm DERI's W3C AC rep and I participate in several W3C activities:
... I'm co-chairing the W3C RDB2RDF Working Group.
... I'm a member of the W3C Media Fragments Working Group (since 09/2008).
... I'm a member of the RDF in XHTML Task Force (since 10/2006).
Last but not least, I do community projects, such as:
... I help keeping the Web of Data clean via pedantic-web.org, a community project working with data publishers, tool builders, application developers and standards groups towards an interoperable Web of Data. (08/2009).
... I initiated pushback and RDForms, a community project enabling the read-write Web of Data (03/2009).
... I blog about the discovery, the access and the usage of resources in the Web of Data (since 01/2009).
... I help shaping voiD, the Vocabulary Of Interlinked Datasets, supporting the discovery and usage of linked data set (since mid 2008).
As a senior researcher at the Institute of Information Systems & Information Management (IIS) I was involved in all kind of activities:
... I was the project leader of the Understanding Advertising (UAd) project (2007/2008).
... as one project partner in the Together Anywhere, Together Anytime (TA2) project I co-ordinated the Institute's work (till end of 2008).
... the IIS participated in the K-Space project where I contributed regarding VAMP (2006 - 2008).
... I was the scientific lead of the new millennium, new media (NM2) project (2004 - 2007).
... I initiated the initiative (2007).
... I am one of the three founding members of (2007)
... I was a member of the W3C Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group (2006/2007).
In the realm of the LiDRC, the DERI projects and my W3C activities I like to hack around a bit. I do this either as a proof-of-concept or just to toy around with technologies (with my researcher hat on).
... I recently developed mping (meta ping), a service that allows to submit RDF content to multiple semantic indexer.
... with Tuukka Hastrup I help setting up the arc2-starter-pack (a CLI and Web app boot-strap package).
... Jürgen Umbrich and I are currently launching ULDis, the Universal Link DIScovery client (LRDD-based discovery for XRD, POWDER, and voiD)
... I started to work on lidaman, an inline linked data browser for RDFa (see also the blog post introducing it)
... To better understand WebAccessControl (WAC), I created WACup, an embedded WAC explorer for RDFa (see also the blog post introducing it)
... To enable the voiD-based exploration of linked datasets, I am working on LDE, the linked datasets explorer
... I order to easily create and maintain voiD descriptions, I kicked-off ve, the voiD editor
Some of the work done at JR, not sure if it is still properly hosted and maintained:
... ubiquity - a collection of commands for the web of data (currently: Sindice, DBpedia and curl)
... RSS2RDFa - converts RSS 1.0 feeds into an XHTML+RDFa representation
... CaMiCatzee - the multimedia data interlinking concept demonstrator
... rdf-o-meter, a util that allows gauging Semantic Web content embedded in (X)HTML pages such as RDFa, eRDF, microformats
... i r s, a generic linked-data editor with RDFa export (see also announcement)
... mle
, the mailing list explorer.
... VAMP, the semantic VAlidation service for MPEG-7 Profiles Descriptions.
The Semantic Web has become reality over the past couple of years. While certain practical topics - such as interoperability, etc. - have at least partially been addressed, scalability and expressivity issues regarding the utilisation of multimedia metadata on the Semantic Web are still widely neglected. However, existing Web (2.0) applications handling millions of multimedia assets are starting to take advantage of Semantic Web technologies.
This work contributes to design decisions regarding scalable and smart multimedia applications on the Semantic Web. Based on an analysis of practical issues - stemming from diverse projects and activities the author has participated in over the past four years - three areas have been identified, namely (i) performance and scalability issues on the data access level, (ii) the effective and efficient representation of multimedia content descriptions, and (iii) the deployment of multimedia metadata on the Semantic Web. The three research areas have as its common base the trade-off between expressivity and scalability.
We present our findings regarding scalable, yet expressive Semantic Web multimedia applications in a number of practical settings and discuss future directions, such as "interlinking multimedia".
See also: the PhD extended abstract (PDF/340kB), the PhD full text (via Graz University of Technology, PDF/19MB), or the viva voce slides (in PDF/1.8MB or MS PowerPoint/6.3MB).
PC member of the 3rd International Provenance and Annotation Workshop IPAW2010
OC member of the 1st Workshop on Semantic Personalized Information Management SPIM2010 at WWW10
OC member of the 3rd Linked Data on the Web workshop LDOW2010 at WWW10
PC member of the First International Workshop on RESTful Design WS-REST 2010 at WWW10
PC member of the Linked AI: AAAI Spring Symposium "Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence" Linked AI 2010
PC member of the Visual Interfaces to the Social and Semantic Web VISSW10
PC member of the Social Networks Interoperability International Workshop 2009 SNI09
PC member of the Semantic Web User Interaction at ISWC 2009: Sharing Ideas for Complex Problems in User Interaction SWUIW09
Reviewer for the Data & Knowledge Engineering Journal
PC member of the 4th International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies SAMT09
PC member of the 8th International Semantic Web Conference In Use Track ISWC09 In Use
PC member of the 8th International Semantic Web Conference Research Track ISWC09
PC member of the 8th International Semantic Web Conference ISWC09 Posters and Demonstrations session
PC member of the Second Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games STEG09
PC member of the 5th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web SFSW09
OC member of the Trust and Privacy on the Social and Semantic Web workshop SPOT09 at ESWC09
Chair of the LOD Triplification Challenge at I-Semantics 2009
OC member of the International Conference on Semantic Systems I-Semantics09
PC member of the Linked Data on the Web Workshop LDOW09 at WWW09
Reviewer for the 18th International World Wide Web Conference WWW09
OC member of the 6th European Semantic Web Conference ESWC09: Semantic Web Technologies Co-ordinator jointly with Harith Alani
PC member of the European Interactive TV Conference EuroITV09
PC member of the 9th Workshop on Multimedia Metadata WMM09
PC member of the Visual Interfaces to the Social and the Semantic Web VISSW09
Reviewer for ACM Computing Surveys
Reviewer for the Special Issue of the Journal of Web Semantics on Exploring New Interaction Designs Made Possible by the Semantic Web
Reviewer for the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems Special Issue on Linked Data
Reviewer for the Special Issue of the Journal of Web Semantics on The Web of Data
PC member of the International Workshop on Interacting with Multimedia Content in the Social Semantic Web IMC-SSW
OC member of the Web of Data Practitioners Days
PC member of the 1st Social Data on the Web workshop SDoW2008
PC member of the Doctoral consortium at International Semantic Web Conference DC ISWC08
PC member of the First Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games STEG08
PC member of the Semantic Authoring, Annotation and Knowledge Markup Workshop SAAKM08
PC member of the 3rd International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies SAMT08
PC member of the 4th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web SFSW08
PC member of the Linked Data on the Web Workshop LDOW08 at WWW08
PC member of the European Interactive TV Conference EuroITV08
PC member of the Semantic Web User Interaction at CHI SWUI
PC member of the Workshop on Multimedia Metadata Management & Retrieval MR3
PC member of the 1st Workshop on Multimedia Annotation and Retrieval enabled by Shared Ontologies MAReSO
PC member of the Knowledge Acquisition from Multimedia Content Workshop KAMC
PC member of the Multimedia Metadata Applications M3A
Reviewer for the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems
Reviewer for the IEEE Multimedia
Reviewer for the SPIC06
Reviewer for the MTAP/JOWS06
In the realm of my research in the Web of Data and media semantics I supervise(d) students:
COMPLETED: Masters, Hannes Bauer, New Media for a New Millennium – Semantic Description of Multimedia Content, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, 2006.
COMPLETED: Masters, Wolfgang Weiß, Visual Exploration, Query, and Debugging of RDF-Graphs and Ontologies, FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, 2007.
COMPLETED: Masters, Selver Softic, Tracing and Understanding Discussions on the Web, Faculty of Computer Science, Graz University of Technology, 2009.
PhD, Aftab Iqbal, topic to be defined, DERI/National University of Ireland, Galway, since 2009.
PhD, Oana-Elena Ureche, topic to be defined, DERI/National University of Ireland, Galway, since 2009.
Book Chapters
T. Bürger and M. Hausenblas. Metadata and ontologies for multimedia. In: Handbook of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, World Scientific Publishing Co., (forthcoming).
M. Hausenblas. Anreicherung von Webinhalten mit Semantik - Microformats und RDFa. In: Social Semantic Web, date of publication: 2008-10-02. (DE)
Project Deliverables
B. Huet et al. State of the Art on Multimedia Content Analysis, EU-project K-Space, Deliverable D.3.1. Jun 2006.
F. Höller, H. Zeiner, W. Bailer, M. Hausenblas. Metadata in the Digital Cinema Workflow and its Standards Report v1, EU-project IP-RACINE, Deliverable 3.2.1. Jun 2005.
W. Bailer, F. Hoeller, A. Messina, D. Airola, P. Schallauer, M. Hausenblas. State of the Art of Content Analysis Tools for Video, Audio and Speech, EU-project PrestoSpace, Deliverable D15.3 MDS3. Mar 2005.
Tutorials and Notes
M. Hausenblas. Discovery and Usage of Linked Datasets on the Web of Data (article in Talis' Nodalities magazine). Sep 2008.
A Quick Introduction Into Linked Data [slides] [video]. 2008.
Linked Data community Wiki: Interlinking Multimedia. 2008.
Linked Data community Wiki: Using Linking Open Data datasets. 2008.
RDFa community Wiki: How To Validate XHTML+RDFa. 2008.
RDFa community Wiki: Dynamic Content Parsing. 2008.
M. Hausenblas. Writing Functional Code with RDFa (how to convert RSS 1.0 news feeds to XHTML+RDFa), devx.com. Sep 2008.
M. Hausenblas. Eulen nach Jena (article in German computer magazine iX). Nov 2005.
K. Alexander, R. Cyganiak, M. Hausenblas, J. Zhao. Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (voiD) since 2008.
D. Ayers, L. Feigenbaum, W. Halb. M. Hausenblas, T. Heath, Y. Raimond. The Statistical Core Vocabulary (scovo) since 2008.
M. Hausenblas, W. Bailer. RDFa-deployed Multimedia Metadata (ramm.x) since 2007.
W3C Activities
I have been and I am active in several W3C standardisation or pre-standardisation activities:
- co-chair of the RDB2RDF Working Group, since 10/2009, active
- member of the Architecture of the World Wide Semantic Web Task Force, since 01/2009, active
- member of the Media Fragments Working Group, since 2008, active
- contributor to the Linking Open Data community project, since 2007, active
- member of the RDFa Task Force, since 2006, active
- member of the Semantic Web Deployment Working Group, since 2006, inactive
- member of the RDB2RDF Incubator Group, 2008/2009, closed
- member of the Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group, 2006/2007, closed
ESW Wiki: Towards Formal HTTP Semantics - AWWSW Report to the TAG
ESW Wiki: How to use HTML and RDF together
ESW Wiki: RDFa vs. RDF/XML
M. Hausenblas, B. Adida. RDFa Implementation Report. W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working Group, Editor's Draft. 2008.
M. Hausenblas, B. Adida. RDFa in HTML Overview. W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working Group, Editor's Draft. 2007.
B. Adida, M. Hausenblas. RDFa Use Cases: Scenarios for Embedding RDF in HTML. W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working Group, W3C Working Draft. 2007.
M. Hausenblas, W. Yung. RDFa Test Suite. W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working Group, Editor's Draft. 2007.
M. Hausenblas, S. Boll, T. Bürger, O. Celma, C. Halaschek-Wiener, R. Troncy. Multimedia Vocabularies on the Semantic Web. W3C Incubator Group Report, 24 Jul 2007.
O. Celma, S. Dasiopoulou, M. Hausenblas, S. Little, C. Tsinaraki, R. Troncy. MPEG-7 and the Semantic Web. W3C Incubator Group Editor's Draft, 14 Aug 2007.
Position Papers
A. Passant, M. Hausenblas, S. O'Riain, K. Idehen, J. G. Breslin, S. Decker. Position Paper on Social Semantics and Linked Data for improving access to financial data on the Web. W3C Workshop on Improving Access - Financial Data / Columbus. Oct 2009.
A. Passant, P. Kaerger, M. Hausenblas, D. Olmedilla, A. Polleres, S. Decker. Position Paper on Enabling Trust and Privacy on the Social Web. W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking. Jan 2009.
W. Halb, M. Hausenblas. Position Paper on select * where { :I :trust :you }
. International Workshop on Interacting with Multimedia Content in the Social Semantic Web (IMC-SSW 2008). Dec 2008.
T. Bürger, M. Hausenblas. Position Paper on Interlinking Multimedia - Principles and Requirements. International Workshop on Interacting with Multimedia Content in the Social Semantic Web (IMC-SSW 2008). Dec 2008.
R. Troncy, L. Hardman, J. van Ossenbruggen, M. Hausenblas. Position Paper on Identifying Spatial and Temporal Media Fragments on the Web. W3C Video on the Web Workshop. Dec 2007.
M. Hausenblas, W. Weiss. Position Paper on The Needs of Semantic Web Engineers. 4th International Semantic Web User Interaction Workshop. Jun 2007.
M. Hausenblas, H. Mayer, G. Thallinger. Position Paper on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services. W3C Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services. Jun 2005.
See also: an interactive exhibit of the publications (incl. bibtex and RDF formats).
R. Troncy, W. Bailer, M. Höffernig, M. Hausenblas. VAMP: a service for validating MPEG-7 descriptions w.r.t. to formal profile definitions. In: Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal. 2009.
E. Wilde, M. Hausenblas. RESTful SPARQL? You Name It! Aligning SPARQL with REST and Resource Orientation. In 4th Workshop on Emerging Web Services Technology (WEWST09), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Nov 2009.
J. Umbrich, H. Glaser, T. Hastrup, I. C. Millard, M. Hausenblas. Web of Data Plumbing - Lowering the Barriers to Entry. In Posters and Demos at ISWC 2009 (Posters and Demos), Washington DC, USA, Oct 2009.
O. Ureche, A. Iqbal, R. Cyganiak, M. Hausenblas. Accessing Site-Specific APIs Through Write-Wrappers From The Web of Data. In Proceedings of the Semantics for the Rest of Us Workshop (SemRUs) at ISWC 2009, Washington DC, USA, Oct 2009.
A. Iqbal, O. Ureche, M. Hausenblas. Integrating Linked Data Driven Software Development Interaction into an IDE. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE 09) at ISWC 2009, Washington DC, USA, Oct 2009.
J. Jankowski, Y. C. Campos, M. Hausenblas, S. Decker. Accessing Cultural Heritage using the Web of Data. The 10th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST 09). 2009.
A. Iqbal, O. Ureche, M. Hausenblas, G. Tummarello. LD2SD: Linked Data Driven Software Development. 21st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 09). Jul 2009.
P. Nasirifard, M. Hausenblas, S. Decker. Privacy Concerns of FOAF-Based Linked Data. In Proceedings of the Trust and Privacy on the Social and Semantic Web Workshop (SPOT 09) at ESWC09, Jun 2009.
K. Alexander, R. Cyganiak, M. Hausenblas, J. Zhao. Describing Linked Datasets - On the Design and Usage of voiD, the 'Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets'. Linked Data on the Web Workshop (LDOW 09) at WWW09. Apr 2009.
N. Toupikov, J. Umbrich, R. Delbru, M. Hausenblas, G. Tummarello. DING! Dataset Ranking using Formal Descriptions. Linked Data on the Web Workshop (LDOW 09) at WWW09. Apr 2009.
M. Hausenblas, R. Troncy, Y. Raimond, T. Bürger. Interlinking Multimedia: How to Apply Linked Data Principles to Multimedia Fragments. Linked Data on the Web Workshop (LDOW 09) at WWW09. Apr 2009.
M. Hausenblas. Exploiting Linked Data to Build Web Applications. IEEE Internet Computing, 13(4):68-73, 2009. Pre-print version available.
M. Hausenblas, W. Halb, Y. Raimond, L. Feigenbaum, D. Ayers. SCOVO: Using Statistics on the Web of Data. ESWC2009 Semantic Web in Use Track, accepted for publication, Feb 2009.
R. Kaiser, M. Hausenblas, M. Umgeher. Metadata-Driven Interactive Web Video Assembly. International Journal Multimedia Tools and Applications, Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalisation. Oct 2008.
S. Softic, M. Hausenblas. Towards Opinion Mining Through Tracing Discussions on the Web. Social Data on the Web (SDoW 2008) Workshop at the 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC). Oct 2008
M. Hausenblas. Building Scaleable and Smart Multimedia Applications on the Semantic Web. PhD thesis, Graz University of Technology, Sep 2008.
M. Hausenblas, W. Halb. Interlinking Multimedia Data. Linking Open Data Triplification Challenge at the International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-Semantics08) at TRIPLE-I. Sep 2008.
M. Hausenblas, W. Halb, Y. Raimond, T. Heath. What is the Size of the Semantic Web? International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-Semantics08) at TRIPLE-I. Sep 2008.
M. Hausenblas. Non-linear Interactive Media Productions. Special Issue of ACM Multimedia Systems Journal on Canonical Processes of Media Production. 2008.
M. Hausenblas, W. Halb. Interlinking of Resources with Semantics. Poster at the 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 08). Jun 2008.
M. Hausenblas, W. Halb, Y. Raimond. Scripting User Contributed Interlinking. 4th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web (SFSW 08), collocated with the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC). Jun 2008.
W. Bailer, M. Hausenblas, W. Haas. Enabling Audiovisual Metadata Interoperability with the European Digital Library. First Workshop on Semantic Interoperability in the European Digital Library (SIEDL 08), collocated with the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC). Jun 2008.
W. Halb, Y. Raimond, M. Hausenblas. Building Linked Data For Both Humans and Machines. Linked Data on the Web Workshop (LDOW 08) at WWW08. Apr 2008.
W. Weiss, M. Hausenblas. Visual Exploration, Query, and Debugging of RDF Graphs. Semantic Web User Interaction Workshop (SWUI 08) at CHI 2008. Apr 2008.
M. Hausenblas, W. Bailer, T. Bürger, R. Troncy. Deploying Multimedia Metadata on the Semantic Web. Poster at the 2nd International Conference on Semantics And digital Media Technologies (SAMT 07). Dec 2007.
M. Hausenblas, R. Mörzinger, P. Hofmair, W. Haas. Towards Intelligent Assembly of Media Assets for Automated Character Animation. Short paper at the 1st Workshop on Multimedia Annotation and Retrieval enabled by Shared Ontologies (MAReSO 07), collocated with the 2nd International Conference on Semantics And digital Media Technologies (SAMT 07). Dec 2007.
R. Kaiser, M. Umgeher, M. Hausenblas. Metadata-based Adaptive Assembling of Video Clips on the Web. 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 07). Dec 2007.
M. Hausenblas, W. Bailer, H. Mayer. Deploying Multimedia Metadata in Cultural Heritage on the Semantic Web. Long paper at the First International Workshop on Cultural Heritage on the Semantic Web (CH-SW 07), collocated with the 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC). Nov 2007.
M. Hausenblas, H. Rehatschek. mle
: Enhancing the Exploration of Mailing List Archives Through Making Semantics Explicit. Semantic Web Challenge 2007, collocated with the 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC). Semantic Web Application: mle
. Nov 2007.
T. Bürger, M. Hausenblas. Why Real-World Multimedia Assets Fail to Enter the Semantic Web. Semantic Authoring, Annotation and Knowledge Markup Workshop (SAAKM 07), collocated with the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-Cap). Oct 2007.
M. Hausenblas. Applying Media Semantics Mapping in a Non-linear, Interactive Movie Production Environment. 1st International Conference on New Media Technology (I-Media 07). Sep 2007.
M. Höffernig, M. Hausenblas, W. Bailer. Semantics of Temporal Media Content Descriptions. 7th Multimedia Metadata Applications Workshop (M3A 07). Sep 2007.
M. Ursu, J. Cook, V. Zsombori, I. Kegel, D. Williams, M. Hausenblas, M. Tuomola. ShapeShifting Screen Media: A Declarative Computational Model for Interactive Reconfigurable Moving Image Narratives. Poster at the 3rd Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE 07). Jun 2007.
M. Hausenblas, W. Slany, D. Ayers. A Performance and Scalability Metric for Virtual RDF Graphs. 3rd Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web (SFSW 07), collocated with the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC). Jun 2007.
W. Haas, W. Bailer, M. Hausenblas. Media Semantics. ÖGAI Journal, 26(1). 2007.
M. Hausenblas, F. Nack. Interactivity = Reflective Expressiveness. IEEE MultiMedia, 14(2):1-7, 2007.
R. Troncy, W. Bailer, M. Hausenblas, P. Hofmair, R. Schlatte. Enabling Multimedia Metadata Interoperability by Defining Formal Semantics of MPEG-7 Profiles. 1st International Conference on Semantics And digital Media Technology (SAMT 06). Dec 2006.
H. Rehatschek, M. Hausenblas, G. Thallinger, W. Haas. Cross media aspects in the areas of media monitoring and content production. 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 06). May 2006.
M. Lux, W. Klieber, M. Granitzer, M. Hausenblas, H. Mayer. Digital Rights Management for Distributed Multimedia E-Learning Content. In: Interactive Computer Aided Learning Conference. Sep 2005.
W. Bailer, P. Schallauer, M. Hausenblas, G. Thallinger. MPEG-7 Based Description Infrastructure for an Audiovisual Content Analysis and Retrieval System. In: Conference on Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia, San Jose, CA, USA. Jan 2005.
M. Hausenblas. Diploma Thesis: Semantic Representation and Query of Legal Norms in the Area of Academic Law (DE). Feb 2004.
H. Zeiner, G. Kienast, M. Hausenblas, C. Derler, W. Haas. Video Assisted Geographical Information Systems. In: Cross-Media Service Delivery, pp. 205-215, Kluwer Academic Publishers. May 2003.
To learn about events I've participated in, such as conferences and talks I gave, please visit the separate events section.
Note: I decided to dedicate a standalone page for the events in mid 2009, because it rapidly grows in terms of entries and there are quite some photos available in there, which might otherwise slow down the rendering of the about page you're currently viewing.
We, my wife Anneli and I, have three wonderful and vivid children: Iannis, Ranya and Saphira.
My CV (PDF file about 680k), may answer some more possible questions ...
My public SSH2 key (1024 Bit RSA) is
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQCjQCZOEkoZO5fIn3D0yA+86HxFr75gegD/Mq1vVhVME+lyLZf+8uDWlRHWsGpSoxx0SggahNR6Udly 5E6gDs0JX36OpjP0v1/fCMPn9bdCLu38hMsJnQb7ZHqev7Wpe+DIjFw2d4HpbvO2Zc8keM9ZZWDDaXGJU+RlHDOerIDGqQ== RSA-1024