Inhere a Semantic Web (SW) tutorial is given. We will explore the underlying infrastructure, vocabularies and tools w.r.t. their role in the SW. Other valuable tutorials are available at the following pages:
In this section the fundamental SW technologies are introduced and discussed.
Computers usually process binary sequences (e.g. 10110010), while humans don't - we work with symbols (e.g. "A" or "5" or "%"). Unicode provides a set of mappings between numbers and assigned symbols. More on Unicode at
When talking about things (in special resources), one has to name them. Addressing is another word for naming a thing uniquely. A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) does this for the Web. Some design aspects of URIs should be considered, though.
After the definition of how Bits are encoded and how to address a resource, the next step is to agree upon a common model on how to structure data. The SW-standard for exchanging information is a tree-based, textual representation, called eXtensible Markup Language (XML).
Finally a common way of expressing a statement like "Michael uses Java" or uses(Michael, Java) is needed, and that's exactly what RDF enables us to do.
Graphs are the morphological aspect of the SW-infrastructure. Both the Web itself and statements in the SW (cf. above) can be conceived as graphs.
Logic, in special Description Logics is the base of the SW.
In this section, the schematic level of the SW is introduced.
This section covers rules, SW-rule languages and the like.
This section covers the retrieval of information in the SW.
The SW-Stack is introduced.